Tuesday, July 18, 2006

7:20PM - Where I Am

[UPDATE: I was able to leave at 9:30pm]

Yeah, I'm still at work. Someone accidentally highlighted the contents of thier "C:\" drive and hit "Delete" (while in an FTP application). I am spending my evening recovering documents and rebuilding their computer. Zach is on his way over right now with a 4-patty BK Stacker meal for me - I am very excited about that!

Today marks the end of my first week as the sole network administrator. It has been crazy. Last week was pretty much 5am to 5pm. I'm sure things will settle down, but just when I think I might be getting control of things, something like this happens.

Despite the long hours and the stress of situations like this one, I am loving my job! I am in the industry I want to be in, I am doing what I love to do, and I am gaining valuable experience! The people here are great and the work is challenging. I will say that I am looking forward to production's busy season (Fall) when I can go down to 40hrs/week and maybe take a vacation :o) That will be nice!

Well, the data recovery application is asking for input, so I'd better sign out of Blogger, I just thought it would be fun to do a "real time" update...even though you all are probably reading this weeks after it happened because you gave up on me updating my blog :o) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Couldn't Let It Go A Month

Tomorrow will be one month since I last blogged. I just couldn't let my blog go that long without activity, so I decided to post a quick one.

We've been busy lately with VBS and work, so my blog has been pretty much last on my list. I do have one fun thing to share; my Picasa Web Album:


If you don't have one already, go get a Picasa web album, download Picasa, and start posting free web galleries! It is great fun!

~ Bill ~ Posted by Picasa