Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

Well, for me, Black Friday is over now. It was over at 6:11 AM. It was a very short shopping-spree for me this year. Usually, I head over to Fry's Electronics at 3-something in the morning to stand in line for killer deals. This year, for the second year in a row, the Fry's deals have been rather lame. Target was the spot to be for us this year. We got to Target at about 5:45 and took our place in line. There were about 150 people or so in front of us, but we still got everything on our list. Almost exclusively gifts for Mikayla and Lily. I did pick up The Goonies for me since it was $3.99. Who could pass that up?

Anyway, rather uneventful this year. I didn't get to push anyone (very hard) or even break a sweat running. I only made one phone call during shopping this year too...

Krista and her parents are doing more shopping today, but her parents weren't even awake when Krista and I left the house. They have much to learn about Black Friday shopping :)

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Gobble gobble!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Folk Comedy

I'm a big fan of the folk-comedy genre. Just last week I discovered a musician that I have greatly enjoyed. Jonathan Coulton used to be a software developer, but is now a poor musician and sexy Second Life avatar. A few of my favorite songs are Code Monkey, RE: Your Brains, Skullcrusher Mountain, Ikea, and I Feel Fantastic.

He gives a lot of his music away free and what he does sell he releases under a creative commons license, so people can do things like this with it.


'Small' Dell perk

I've spent a lot of money on Dell equipment here at work and I got my first ever 'small' perk from them. A little mini optical usb travel mouse. I'm using it right now and my hand is cramping up, so I'll probably not use it much :) Kinda funny-odd...