Saturday, February 25, 2006

Funny True Story

I heard this funny true story from a member of the Credit Union this week:
A woman was playing the slot machines in Las Vegas when she won! She won $125 in quarters. An employee of the casino gave her a bucket for her winnings. "I'm going to go take this back to the room," she told her husband. As she headed towards the elevator, two large black men started to follow her. They got in the elevator with her and she was very uncomfortable. "Hit the floor," she heard from behind her. She instantly jumped down onto the floor, spilling all $125 of quarters in the elevator. Once she was on the floor and she saw the men chuckling to each other, she realized that they had meant to press the button for the floor. Embarrassed, she started to pick up the quarters. The large black men helped her. When they reached her floor, the men asked her if she would like an escort to her room. Not knowing what to say, she said yes. They followed her to her room and once there she ducked inside, slammed the door, and locked it. She could hear laughter from the other side of the door. The next morning room service arrived with flowers and a note. The note read, "We are sorry if we scared you yesterday, but we laughed harder than we have in a long time. Thank you." It was signed, "Michael Jordan & Scotty Pippen".
UPDATE: Turns out this is an urban legend. Thanks for the heads up, dad! Here is the Snopes article:


Anonymous said...


PapaMark said...

Sorry Bubba Urban Legend-