Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Arcade Monitor Arrives!

I've never had anything delivered FedEx Freight before - it was very cool. This huge semi-truck parked out front of the house and the FedEx worker brought the monitor out on a pallet with a hydraulic hand pallet truck. I knew this monitor was 84 pounds, but I had no idea how big it would actually be :)

So yeah, now I have a pallet...what am I going to do with that? It doesn't exactly fit in my garbage can ;)

I decided not to pull the monitor out of the box by myself. 84 awkward pounds would not be fun. Not to mention the fact that it is not enclosed and if you touch the wrong thing you could kill yourself from electric shock.

I'm excited! Joysticks and other components should arrive tomorrow or Friday! I hope to finish my mock-up control panel by the end of the weekend...


Anonymous said...


I will take that pallet off of your hands. It will be useful at my house! (or I might just burn it)

psychobob said...

Bill, this is one of the coolest ideas you have ever had. Forget the trebuchet!