Saturday, January 12, 2008

Reading something new

The combination of darkness and a stubborn windshield wiper made it very hard to see. I pulled into the Albertsons’ parking lot and was amazed by the number of cars. I guess 6pm the Saturday before Christmas is a popular time for others to be preparing for holiday events as well. After finding a parking space, I ran through the rain and across the parking lot to the crowded store. I had a relatively short shopping list but the lines where backed up into the aisles. I could only be thankful I was not at Costco or the mall.

What should have been a five minute stop on a normal day ended up being more like 20 minutes. I pushed my cart to the car and unloaded into the trunk, trying to be as quick as I could to avoid being completely soaked. Finally, I was sitting down in the dry car after a few moments of arguing with the door lock. Leaning back, I sighed and wondered why life seemed so busy. I turned my head and noticed that Tony’s comic shop was open and looked empty of customers. Remembering that I was going to pick up Krista a copy of the latest comic based on one of the games she enjoys playing, I decided to drive across the parking lot and take care of that now.

I walked in and immediately felt like I was 12 years old. The thoughts of cleaning, working, guests, planning, shopping, etc. all were just wiped off my mind. I wandered around looking at the Batman and Superman comics, the Spider-Man and X-Men comics, and was amazed at the ridiculous prices of the “collector figurines”, or toys as I call them. When I was a kid, a Green Lantern toy was $2 and you played with it. Now, they don’t move, cost $150, and are meant to be displayed behind glass. I found the comic I was looking for and picked up a copy. I also grabbed a Spider-Man, Action Comics, Batman, and Green Lantern.

I was never an avid comic collector growing up, but I enjoyed them and somewhere in my parents’ garage or my attic, I have a good sized box full of comics from when I was 10-12. A lot has changed in the last 15 years in comics. First of all, you need to call them “graphic novels” now. There are also a lot more options to read than just stories of men in colorful tights. “Superheroes” have become much more human. Comics deal with political and social issues. Marvel is doing an adaptation of The Iliad and Moby Dick. An independent comic publisher has done several adaptations of Shakespeare plays. Of course, there is still Action Comics, Batman, Superman, and the whole slew of heroes we all know and love.

Anyway, since that night I have been enjoying reading several graphic novels. Alan Moore’s Watchmen is by far the best I have read so far. I just started reading Frank Miller’s Batman. I always liked Batman and Green Lantern growing up.

If anyone reading has any suggestions of graphic novels I shouldn’t miss, a comment or e-mail would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

1 comment:

Tony's Kingdom said...

Nice, I just read this again 11 years after you first posted it. And my shop had only been open for 1 year at that point. WOW! We have managed to survive all the competition, barely. And developed a friendship over those years. Thanks for everything Bill.......... Tony