Thursday, December 22, 2005

The sickness before Christmas

Over the last couple weeks Krista, Mikayla, and Lily have had the flu. I thought I had escaped the 24-hour flu bug, but I was wrong. Night before last I bearly slept and made a couple offerings to the porcelain god. There was an important project that needed 30-45 minutes of my attention at work, so I went in and took care of that and then came home. I slept most of the day yesterday while I battled a fever, nausea, aches, and a headache.

This morning I woke up with little more than a stomach ache. Praise the Lord! This is a busy week at work and Christmas is just a few days away.

Well, Christmas shopping is almost over. I need to brave the Costco craziness after work tonight and then I might have one more stop. The giftcard is a wonderful invention ;o) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

psychobob said...

Merry Christmas Bill! I am glad you are feeling better. See you around!