Thursday, December 15, 2005

Warning: Infected - Part 2

* Audio download link *

How do I start this one. My goodness. For those of you who missed it, here is the link to my first review of Infected. Read it before continuing.

First of all, I would like to say that I do not hate Martin Sargent. If that is the way my first review came across, I apologize. That is not how I meant it. And, to defend myself a little, I did not post that review on “8” websites, I posted on one. It was intended to serve as a warning to my friends and family, the ones who read my blog, that it is not the type of podcast that they would be interested in.

Now, for those of you who don’t know, Martin called me out in his second episode of his Infected podcast. He exaggerated, called me names, and had a lot of fun at my expense. I don’t care much about that, I actually find it funny that a geek warning his friends of a dumb podcast got so much attention and got under Martin’s skin so much.

He actually read my previous post on his podcast and spent a couple minutes making fun of me and calling me names. I have edited the profanity out of a segment of his podcast in case you are interested. This is probably as close to my “fifteen minutes of fame” as I’ll ever get. How sad, Martin Sargent making fun of me in his podcast that is so profane, no one I know will ever hear it. Kind of ironic.

Let me give a bit more of a reason for not liking the podcast and why I urge you to not listen to it. First of all, humor that is filled with vulgar references and profanity is not something I find funny. I know that the majority of my readers are people who share similar values as I do and don’t enjoy that kind of humor. Second, it is a waste of time. Coming from Revision3, one might think that the content is educational or at least technology related. Martin says that his show is “a waste of time about wasting time surfing the internet wastelands, wasted.” I don’t know about you, but a profane waste of time is not what I am looking for in a podcast.

In episode 2 of Infected, Martin accuses me of posting my “eight paragraph” review on “eight different websites”. Well, he was close – it was a two paragraph review on one website. Maybe this post will be eight paragraphs. Oh, and yes, you can witness audio only content (Wikipedia on “witness”). But, being someone who has studied English at a university level, you would know that, Martin.

I know not everyone will agree with me, some people like a good profane waste of time, but like I said in my first review, it makes me feel infected. It is a huge disappointment to me that Revision3 would get behind such a production. Systm, diggnation, and thebroken are such good shows that it is disappointing that Infected is using resources that could be allocated to better shows.

If you want to hear the edited 3 minute segment of Infected episode 2, click here.


Anonymous said...

Here's a brilliant idea: If you don't like it, then STOP LISTENING! It's as easy as that. There's no reason for you to be whining like this!! Have you ever thought that there are people out there, like me, who enjoy the show?! It's not just you, you smacktard. Get that through your thick head.

Anonymous said...

Wow Bill, it looks like you have quite a following now. All these people who are telling you to just not listen if you disagree are reading your posts which they disagree with... and posting. And they call you a hypocrite... Well, I find this absolutely hysterical and I wish you good luck on the rest of your posts with all of your new fans out there reading your FAMILY blog.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Hey Neo, here's a brilliant idea: If you don't like it, then STOP READING! It's as easy as that. There's no reason for you to be whining like this!! Have you ever thought that there are people out there, like me, who enjoy this blog?!
Can you read your own post dude?

Bill said...

I listened to the first episode because it was a Revision3 production and I thought it was going to be similar to everything else they put out. I listened to the second episode because I heard that Martin read my blog entry on his podcast. I don't plan on ever listening to it again. The only reason I'd listen would be if I was mentioned again - and I think that is not likely.

Uncle 'z' said it - if you don't like what you are reading, stop reading! This is a family blog that I keep to update friends and family.

Anonymous said...

Wow Bill, I just read the comments on your first review of Infected and I was a little shocked at the 'clever' comments that people posted.

I also listened to your edit (thanks BTW) version of that podcast.... yikes! Certainly don't take to heart any of that man's opinions. I am sure that he is enjoying the controversy as it keeps people interested. You keep posting about stuff with your opinions and those who you are writing to will continue to read.

BTW, you might also consider disabling anonymous commenting, or at least have to approve any comments first.

Anonymous said...

Well, Mr. Pottie-mouth's time studying English wasn't completely wasted - at least he was able to remember to toss in 'wasteland.'

Bill, you'll have to forgive him the profanity. Anyone who's taught junior high school kids knows that it is a very important part of that maturity level. It's an attempt to gain attention and impress others when your own vocabulary is not expanded enough to come up with meaningful adjectives.
Your English Lit teacher

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the curse of blogs and the internet. Whenever there is a discussion of personal taste, opinions, morals, ethics or truth you have people who will share there opinion of you in words that are personally attacking towards anyone who disagrees. Our society has been labeled as an environment of open-mindedness and freedom, the caveat is that you must agree with whomever you are speaking with. If you happen to disagree with people (whether you are more liberal or conservative) you are closed minded. I personally find this extremely frustrating as I am always continuing to work out what it is I believe.

The other problem is that the internet and anonymity have enabled people to speak out in ways that they never would speak in person. I believe that this is due to a lack of accountability for our words in an anonymous environment. We live in a world of consequences, in fact our whole world is based on "equal and opposite reaction" to borrow a phrase from Newton. The internet removes personal accountability for ones actions and allows one to indulge in whatever vice they choose without fear of reprisal or being exposed. This has become addictive (for example see Wired Article on Internet Porn) to people who are looking to indulge themselves. I am about to step off my soap box but Bill I want you to know that you are supported for stating what you believe to be true and standing by what it is you believe.

Derek Hanson

Dones said...

So this is how you draw traffic to your blog: you make a little post about how you don't like something. But darnit, I've tried that! Some people have all the luck... :P

psychobob said...

Y'now Bill, they used you as a topic because they were looking for a topic to talk about. Be flattered that they decided talking about you would make a good program. My little Bill, all grown up and offending thin skinned talk show loosers.. :-)