Friday, December 02, 2005

Online Poker Revisited

I have been enjoying online poker again lately. One memorable run of cards was very fun:

I was holding poket kings and raised pre-flop. I was re-raised and followed with a re-raise. I was playing limit, so re-raising it up like that only put us each in for about 4x the big blind. The flop came giving no straight or flush possible and no ace - we both bet like crazy. The turn had an ace and he only called my bet, didn't raise with it. At that point I thought, "He's playing like he has MY hand. Or maybe QQ." The river was another blank and we raised it up. Cards flipped and we both had KK. I couldn't believe it. We split the large pot and I just laughed.

The very next hand I was dealt poket kings again! "This is perfect," I thought when I saw it. Playing online is a lot harder in many respects, but mainly in tells. You have so few things to pick up on by another player. One thing that stays the same with online play or real life play is players going on tilt (someone playing recklessly because they are frustrated for whatever reason). I raised like crazy hoping that the other people would think I was on tilt from the last split pot. With 3 of us in, the flop came K K 9 with two hearts. The other guys did most of the betting at this point - raising it up as far as allowed with limit. I just sat back and grinned. The ONLY way I could lose would be if someone had pocket aces and the turn AND river brought aces, or if someone made a straight flush. The turn was a low heart, making a flush possible. Everyone bet like mad! The river was a blank and more betting like mad. We finally turned up cards and of course, I had quad kings to win. My opponents had an ace-high flush and a full house, nines full of kings. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect setup to bring chips my way. I was just glad I was holding the quads, not the full boat or the flush.

As for my blog, I am sorry for the delay in posting, but I have been having a hard time thinking of something worth while to post. I know, alot of you are thinking, "That's never stopped you before!" And you are right.

Well, today is Lily's birthday - she is 1! Happy birthday Lily! I'm sure Krista will have a post today with pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just one question ... Was this for actual money or just play money?
