Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My New 27.4 Megapixel Camera

No, I didn't go out and buy a new camera. I shot a roll of film in my Canon EOS AE2. Yes, that's a film camera. Work gave me a roll of Kodak professional film and will develop anything I shoot for free. We have a couple Kodak film scanners that are amazing at work. I was curious just how large of an image it could scan and I was amazed. It can scan 35mm film at 6333x4332 (about 27 megapixels). What does that mean? Well, it means that you could print an 8x10 of a very small percetage of an image. No, I don't plan on shooting everything film now, but it was a fun experiment. Here is a link to the Easter day photos I shot in film:


You'll need the flash player to view them, but according to Google Analytics, 96% of you have a suitable version of the flash player already, so if you have no idea what I'm talking about, chances are high that you have no need to know :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! There are some pretty cool looking photos in there bubba! Good job! You can get a lot wider shots with a film camera than your digital ;) I really liked the second one with Lily up in the air.