Saturday, September 02, 2006

Inspiration From Panography

Okay, first off, I'd like to say sorry for not posting much in the last several months. I am still working 50-60 hour work weeks, but those are about to end - hopefully. I may even be able to work four 10 hour days later this month for a couple months. That would be a nice change.

Every now and then I see something REALLY cool in photography that makes me want to go out right then and try it. Today I had that inspiration: Panography. Check out this link:

Panography is taking dozens of individual photographs and merging them together to make one larger photograph. I have done panoramas this way, but always with the intention to make it look like ONE photo...not an artistic composit like these.

It's funny, because just last night I was at a friends' house who had done something very similar with 4x6 prints - laying them out so they matched to look like one large photo made up of 15-20 smaller ones. Very cool.

I don't know when (or if) I'll ever come up with anything as cool as in the slideshow link above, but be sure that is my next photo project and I will be posting progress!

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