Thursday, February 22, 2007

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight savings now starts on March 11th as you may have heard. This screws up alot of software. If you haven't already, here is how to make sure your (Windows) computer is ready:

if ( AutomaticWindowsUpdates = TurnedOn )
YouAreDone = True;
elseif ( OperatingSystem = Vista )
YouAreDone = True;

If you are running OSX...well...go take 2 seconds on Google to figure it out ;)

I really don't understand what the big deal is. If your computer is off by an hour, chances are you will notice it and fix it then. Kinda weird it is getting all the attention it is right now. But I guess the big fallout of computers and everything electronic that we experienced for the first 10 days after Y2K hit was a warning to us about time glitches like this. < /sarcasm >


Jordan Lambert said...

I'm running OS X and = ok everytime

microsoft sucks


psychobob said...

I hate daylight savings time! It's outdated and should be ended. I'm with Arizona and Egypt - NO MORE DATLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!!!

Ok, I feel better. Hi Bill.