Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Walk Down Memory Lane

A couple weeks ago I took a Wednesday off from work. I spent the afternoon getting my Comcast internet hooked up and setting up my desk, computers, etc. However, I spent the morning at my old college. The school formerly known as Western Baptist College, now known as Corban College.

It was a lot of fun. I met Eugene at Farrar (my old dorm) and we ate breakfast in the much improved dining hall, walked around the campus visiting a few people, and then going to chapel. The new chapel building is INCREDIBLE! If you ever went to WBC/Corban during the time when they met in the gym for chapel, you need to go see their new building. Wow.

It was amazing to me how at home I felt there. Time went by very quickly and I was reluctant to leave. Memories of hanging out with old friends, studying, doing stupid things, late night Taco Bell runs, falling asleep in World Thought & Culture, working in the Communications office, running out of breath walking up and down the steep hills, going to dorm meetings, staying up late talking about all the problems in the world...I could go on and on.

Sometimes I wish I could go back. But most of the time I am grateful I am done with it :o) It was a lot of work and I am glad to have moved on. I'll go back and reminisce any day though...so many memories of my home for 4 years...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The stinky showers.....