Saturday, January 28, 2006

A Year of Blogging

It's been one year today that I started this blog. As post #172, my average is just about a post every other day. Lately my posts have been less frequent than that, but I hope to change that. Above is a picture I took nearly a year ago and never posted. It's a bit abstract, but going over last years pictures it struck me as something JD might like ;o) So, there it is.

Today there is a baby shower at my place, so I am going to hide. My dad is coming down and we are going to try and diagnose the Taurus that has been parked dead in the driveway for weeks now. After that I plan to do my taxes and make a trip to Fry's Electronics.

Ok, on to the subject of posting now. I have been getting home from work very tired lately. I play with the girls for the hour and a half I get to see them and then they are in bed. At that point all I feel like doing is lounging for a bit and then going to bed. 24 has been our evening "activity". We are starting with season 1 (season 5 is the current season). In case you are not familiar with the show, it is very unique. Each season has 24 episodes. Each episode is an hour long. One season equals one day. The episode of season 1 starts by saying, "The following takes place between 3:00pm and 4:00pm on the day of the California Presidential Primary." Well, that's how episode 16 starts, 17 starts with 4:00pm to 5:00pm. You get the idea. Over the course of the season you follow counter-terrorism special agent, Jack Bower, in his mission to stop terrorists from assassinating David Palmer, a black senator running for president. Along the way Jack's family is kidnapped by the terrorists, there are people bad on the inside of Jack's team, and all around good action the entire season long. We are at 6 or 7pm right now of season 1.

24 has been a good break for me. At work, another Credit Union merged into us and brought a TON of work with it to get done. The stress and sheer amount of work requires a break in the evenings. So, even though there are projects left undone, I'm surviving. Hopefully mid-February things will calm down at work. We are looking to hire a teller to work M-F 2pm to 5:30pm. That will take some of the member pressure off and let me focus on marketing like I should be.

Well, Lily is down for a nap right now and I think this is my chance to shower and get ready for my day. A year of blogging - who would have thought I'd last? ;o) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I love the picture, but would you please warn people if you're posting spoilers?!?!?

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

I must say ... I love 24!

I watched 4 seasons in less than a month. Which was nothing compared to 3 seasons of Alias in 8 days. Not my proudest claim, but it explains how hooked I got on these shows. 24 has proven to be better than Alias which has sort of become a disappointment and that shows now that it has been cancelled.

24 will continue to reel you in and only gets better every season. Including this season, which is proving to be the best yet. But I have said that about every season as I watch it.
