Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Rochester, NY: Day 2

7:30 AM EST - Even though part of my body felt like it was 4:30 AM, I did feel well rested. We got up and got ready and then went to breakfast. I had a buffet of eggs, bacon, french toast, and strawberries.

After breakfast we headed out to see Niagara Falls. It was only about an hour and a half away. The drive was great due to the AC in the car and the 88 degree with 5000% humidity weather outside we were missing by being in the car.

I was absolutely amazed by the falls. Photos don't due it justice. I took some panaromas, but those will have to wait until I get home to stitch them together.

We weren't sure if we could go to the Canada side or not, so we tried anyway. We decided to walk from the falls into Canada. The guy in the little building you walk through said, "And you guys are all Americans, right?" and then let us through. No I.D. or anything. It was kinda weird.

We walked around a bit, but it was very hot and we were starting to get hungry. We found the Hard Rock Cafe and decided to eat there. It was excellent.

After that, we went down and took pictures from the Canada side of the falls. I am really glad we did because from that side you were able to really see all of the falls. Once we took our photos and browsed a gift shop, we headed back to the U.S. side.

To leave Canada, all you need is $0.50 to deposit in the little machine and then you walk through. On the U.S. side we did have to show our driver's license and they made a record of us. That was it.

We headed back to Rochester after that and were only slightly delayed by a huge thuderstorm, complete with trees fallen in the road and everything - it was great :)

We all met in one of the hotel rooms after that and went over all of the class options one more time and finalized our choices.

That reminds me, I forgot to mention why I am here for those of you who don't know :) Excel sent myself and three of my co-workers to a Kodak DP2 users conference here in Rochester. DP2 is our print production software and this is the big, once a year, set of classes and talks about its capabilities and how it can better do what we need it to do. I think it will be a great opportunity for us to enhance our workflow at work and hopefully we can fully utilize all the information we get here.

After choosing our classes we were hungry for dinner. A big favorite place a couple years ago (I wasn't with Excel at that point) was the Dinosaur BBQ. It is a bar and grill style blues place. I got BBQ chicken and ribs and it was incredible. Dad, Zach - you would love this place.

Well, it's late now and we have class at 9:00 tomorrow morning. I'd better be signing off and heading to bed. Here are a few shots from today:

From the Canada side of Niagara Falls:
Looking down from the observation deck on the U.S. side (the blue dots are people):

And, the best view from the U.S. side of the river:


Anonymous said...

8:46 pm Wilsonville time
Hey, Bubba! I'm convinced those are great shots. I'll take your word for it. Glad you're having fun.

Anonymous said...

Wha? Good food? I'm there!
