Thursday, November 10, 2005

A Background & My Ideas

I was playing around with a design idea for my upcoming webpage (, and I ended up scratching the idea, but I came away with a cool background. I have sized it in a few different sizes and thought I'd put it up for download:

800x600 1024x768 1600x1200

If you would like a custom size, just e-mail me and I'll do it. For some reason I just liked the way this turned out.

I am trying to make be a portal to my blog, my business page, Krista's blog, and Mikayla's neglected podcast. I want it to be unique, but not hard to use. I want it to be eye catching, but still easy to read. I know what I want, I just can't come up with a design that I like that follows everything I want. Here is a peak into my scratchpad for my current idea I am mulling over:

Something like that with the lines as a page bg and then a floating white rounded corner text area in the middle and then some sort of navigation...yeah, it's very much in progress, but I AM working on it. I am also working on redoing I think it's cheesy the way it is. I want a much better gallery and overall design for starters.

I have tomorrow off work so maybe something will happen with some of these projects. Or, maybe I'll find people that want to play poker and I won't get anything done ;o)


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is some very creative blog spam!

BTW, did you say Poker?

Bill said...

Not that I think I have anything to prove to you, Scott, but I never claimed to be a "Photoshop genius" in that post. I just said I was playing around with website design ideas and I liked the way that background turned out. Had I claimed to be a Photoshop genius, it would probably have been on a post that I actually did something in Photoshop worthy of being called a genius. Here is one such post.