Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Liquid Sculptures

Major kudos to Martin Waugh over at for some AMAZING photographs of water (and other liquids) dropping at high speed. He has tons of images on his site. I couldn't stop looking at them until there weren't any left to look at. If you haven't seen his site, go check it out!

Well, last night I played poker at Lefty's for the first time in a couple months. The night started off with 50-something and I got 14th (I think - a few of us went out at once). Not bad. I beat about 40 players, made it to the top 25%. It was fun, but the blinds just went up SO FAST! We started with 5,000 chips and when I left (2.5 hours into it) the blinds were at 4,000 - 8,000. Yeah, that's what I thought too. I was in the big blind and got an A9os. I went all-in for 11,000 more than the 8,000 big blind I'd already put in. THREE people called me! I was taken down by a KJos that hit a K on the flop. I had a lot of fun, but the blinds were amazing. I guess that's what it takes to take almost 60 people and get one winner within 3-3.5 hours. 60 people times 5,000 chips means that there is about 300,000 chips in play. That means average when I went out would be about 21,500. I had 19,000 when I was basically forced all-in by a big blind. I don't think that's right. With average at 21,500, blinds should be at 1,000-2,000, no higher. 1/10 of your chip stack is enough to put in for the big blind.

One other thing that annoyed me last night was the shuffling of people. It seemed like every hand we were being shuffled around from table to table. People leaving, coming, me going, etc. We spend almost as much time shuffling and chipping up as we did playing the last 45 minutes I was there. I understand needing to keep tables even and such, but holy cow! There was one guy that got moved to our table, played one hand, and then was moved to another table. I thought that was kind of dumb. But hey, it's poker and it was just for fun. I greatly enjoyed myself and I plan on trying to make it back sooner than 2 months from now. Especially since it's no-limit now and they have gone away from limit poker. But that's enough blog entry by itself: Limit vs. No-Limit.

I think that's all I've got for ya today. Oh, two quick things. 1.) Eugene posted on his blog!! Go check it out! 2.) Another shameless plug for my refferal link with - Go register to get a free Sony PSP! ;o) Ok, I won't do it again, I promise! And thanks Larry, whoever you are, for signing up through me.

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