Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sharpie Mini Game

I just played a fun little flash game, the Sharpie Mini Game. It's your basic paddle game, but if you play through level 4 you get a Sharpie Mini. Since I use sharpie's exclusively when labeling burned CDs & DVDs, I thought a mini would be nice to leave on my desk. Here is the link to a free Sharpie Mini if you don't want to play the game:


Here is a link if you do want to play the game:


Bet that was a big surprise ;o)

I only played it because of the weirdness about it when I first looked at it. I was inputting my information and realized that the example birthday was ONE DAY away from my actual birthday! Weird huh?
I thought it was VERY weird!! It got me to play and then got me thinking about the odds of that birthday coming up. At first I was thinking of all birthdays for those living and the odds were crazy (like 3.6 million to 1). But then I was thinking that they probably wouldn't give 1905 as a probable birthday and they probably wouldn't give 2004 as a probable birthday...they must have formed a demographic of their target audience and choose a birthday in the median. And that's me. 25.5 years old. Not as fun to think about with the odds...I was about to go register for a poker tournament and buy some lottery tickets! But, since I thought it through more, I realized it wasn't against all odds after all. Not as exciting to think about, but hey, it's a free Sharpie mini and it was a fun few minutes playing the game.


Anonymous said...

I won without loosing one life!!

Anonymous said...

Kwl, I like free stuff!