Wednesday, August 03, 2005


This shot was taken in our living room. I have a dark blue blanket that I use as a background (setup with PVC pipe). I also used a flash bounced off the ceiling for lighting. And that is the budget portrait setup. Then, in Photoshop, I used the clouds filter and some lighting/hue saturation layers to create a more “studio” looking photo. I really like the results and hey, she was smiling and she’s really cute. That helps my job :)

Lily now growls. She has a very deep voiced, “Gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” that she now uses to communicate. Of course we growl back and this thrills her. Her first unique form of communication. She will go back and forth growling for several minutes. We just better warn the nursery on Sunday so they don’t think she is constipated or about ready to bite someone…

On another communication note, I spend about an hour and a half longer on filling an order recently because of a communication error. 15 minutes expanded 10-fold. It’s just a reminder to me of how key communication is. Good communication can save a lot of time.


Anonymous said...

Lil' hint... 15 min * 10 = 150 min = 2.5 hr.

:o) I know what you meant, but this was fun.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and by the way, cute girl.

Bill said...

Thanks. I went over that math in my head like 4 times because it just didn't seam right. Somehow I still didn't get it. Pretty sad for someone that didn't get less than an A in math through Calculus III...