Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I would like to say that this is a splash from a fish jumping, another frog jumping, or something else natural that I happened to capture. But, it's not. This is my dad throwing rocks at the frog trying to get it to jump. It just wouldn't jump. Eventually, it would swim a little, but that does NOT look exciting in a photo. You'll have to trust me on that though because I won't be posting any of those swimming frog shots I have.

I do like this shot though. I like the way the splash frames the frog. I don't know how many other frog shots I like.

Subject 2: Well, it's Tuesday and that means Poker Night at Lefty's. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it tonight. I have photos to crop and order. I'm excited about the order - that means profit, but I am a little bummed I'll miss Lefty's two weeks in a row. But that's good too. Now next week I should definitely be able to go. Not only will I be on vacation, but it will have been 3 weeks since I've been :)

Subject 3: My sister-in-law's laptop broke and I brought it back from Olympia a couple weeks ago to have it fixed. Uptech Computers was able to fix it relatively cheap. I was very impressed with that. Anyway, now there is a working laptop in the house that won't be picked up for a week. I have been enjoying it all weekend long. It makes me realize how old my laptop is (300Mhz - 128MB RAM) and how nice it is to have a laptop around that the screen works on all the time and that doesn't reboot when you plug power into it. It's a very bad thing - I want a new laptop now. I'm afraid I'll have to wait quite a while however. Like, a couple of years.

Subject 1: I think this is my last frog posting. You can look forward to photos of my girls for the next couple days. Maybe a damselfly in there somewhere, depends if I like any shots the 5th time going through them.

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