Thursday, August 04, 2005

TV – My Take

Quick thoughts on this photo before delving into the TV topic: I took this shot on Saturday. I positioned the bench so it was leaning back slightly so Lily would easily be able to sit there. The blanket is one that my grandma Thelma made for me. My dad is off to the right of the shot holding my reflector bouncing light onto Lily and my mom and Krista are also off to the right doing many crazy things trying to get her to smile. It worked :) I took 9 shots of Lily and her expression is identical in each one. I chose to shoot at f/2.8 to minimize background distractions and create the colorful blurred background. Hard to believe it was shot in my parents’ backyard, huh? I am pleased with the finished result. Lily is very easy to photograph right now. She is easy to make smile and as long as she isn’t tired or hungry, she’s in a good mood.

And now, on to the topic of TV:

I just stumbled on this site. It took me a minute to realize what it is. I think it’s KaZaA for a monthly fee. I don’t know how they are doing it without being sued, but they are. Pay $0.99/month for unlimited downloads of current and old TV shows. “The purchase of a membership, however, is not a license to upload or download copyrighted material. We urge you to respect copyright and share responsibly.” What a joke. Are people actually buying this P2P service when there are a TON of free options? This baffles me. If they are and this site doesn’t get sued, why didn’t I think of this first? This is ridiculous. I hope people are smart enough to realize that they are paying for a free illegal service.

Tuesday this week I purchased my first TV series. Season 1 of The Cosby Show on DVD (or, DVDVs as Mikayla calls them). And yes, I plan to buy all 7 seasons as they become available. The Cosby Show is the best TV show that has ever aired on television. Mikayla like the show now too and asks to watch it.

My view of TV may be a little different/skewed/whatever. Let me try to explain it as best I can. I support Hollywood. I have hundreds of DVDs (movies, TV, and kids shows). I am not opposed to cable TV or satellite TV. I have had both in the past and I will have cable TV again in October. But, I prefer to download most of my TV. I prefer to have it archived on DVD so I can watch it again later, I prefer to be able to pause my TV and choose exactly what I want to watch when I want to watch it. My modded Xbox with the Xbox Media Center allows me to organize and play all my downloaded TV with ease from my couch with a remote control. I can go back and watch those 2004 World Series of Poker events. Krista can go back and watch the last few episodes of Lost this fall to brush up on everything before season 2 starts. It’s all about convenience.

The only reason for having regular TV is news (even that I want to be able to pause) and live sports events (that I couldn’t care less about). I know, I know, if you have a Tivo you can pause anything. More than that, you can record anything and then play it back at your convenience. It might sound like just what I’m looking for, but it’s not. You can’t hook up a DVD burner to your Tivo and archive your TV. You can’t transfer video files to your brother’s laptop so he can watch Alias anywhere his laptop goes. By downloading TV you get a lot more flexibility. AND, you don’t have to worry about remembering to record something, how much space is left on your Tivo, etc.. Tivo/DVRs are great and I would love to have one hooked up to my cable or satellite TV, but they must be complemented by torrentTV (my word for downloaded TV).

That’s why I download TV. Wow, this is kind of a long post now. I’ll stop for your sake, Eugene ;) Oh, one more quick comment: I wish I had $636 right now.


Anonymous said...

Check out this article on 'downloaded' tv and one man's opinion on the impact it will have on TV.

Darlene said...

You like Bill Cosby's shows--how about Andy Griffith's, where he was the sheriff in Mayberry, with Opie (Ron Howard)as his son? One of the best family shows, I think; so much character in dealing with everyday issues that idealistically should be used today. You can only see that on "oldies" TV reruns (on TV Land, if you can get that station in Oregon)--the show isn't on DVD, if I'm not mistaken. So I think you're denying yourself the chance to see some other good, first-rate shows from the past by not watching more on TV.

Thing is, you probably don't have time to watch much, let alone search around to locate these shows. But there still is good stuff out there; it's just a matter of finding it.